Articles on: Training Reports

Reporting on digital badge progress

The My Badge Progress report lists all digital badges you have commenced, the required courses or training activities for the badge, and the date of last access and status of each course or activity.

Navigate to the report by clicking Reports > My Badge Progress from the main menu on the left.

Badges you are undertaking are listed in large black text:

A label alongside the badge title will indicate whether it is In Progress (in blue) or Issued (in green), along with the issue date.
The badge issuer will also be identified below the badge title. Interskill provide badged training on behalf of IBM, Broadcom, and SkillSoft.

Courses required for each badge are listed below the badge title. Each course will indicate whether it is:

Not Started (in grey)
In Progress (in blue)
Completed (in green), along with the completion date

Updated on: 20/04/2022